This year Tyler wanted to be Black spiderman. He is really into black Spiderman right now. The minute he got his costume he put it on and hardly ever takes it off. And for Samantha's first Halloween I decided to dress her up as a lady bug since that is her bedroom them. Tyler was so excited to go trick or treating and kept asking if it was time yet. When it was time we went outside and our new neighborhood was swarming with kids, it was so great and it made me think we pick the perfect neighborhood to live in. Tyler was doing great until the last few houses. He took off hi mask and went to the door, I then saw him stomp away mad and I asked him what happened and he says, "She said I was CUTE!!!!!!" I'm not cute I'm Scary! He was so upset, we moved on and two houses later someone else had the nerve to call my son cute again, lol. He got all upset again and started crying. I told him that it is hard for people not to think he was cute because he is and that didn't make it better but eating candy did :)