Sunday, August 30, 2009

Kansas Trip 8/20-8/28

On thursday when we arrived in Kansas Papa was there to pick us up, Yia Yia was in Cedar Rapid, Iowa helping Todd with the kids since sadly Sabrina's mother passed away. The next day we drove to Cedar Rapids so we could see everyone and go to the welcome service for Todd at the Temple. Of course Tyler was super excited to see Noah and Gavi he loves hanging out with them. He also loves their new house, it is so big! There were so many hiding spots and hidden stairs that Tyler loved. That night Tyler did very well at the welcome service, considering they started at 7:00. The only problem is that he wanted to stay up there with Uncle Todd and Dance, of course everyone thought it was cute. He loves the attention. The next day we drove back to Kansas. On monday night we went to the baseball game. The Royals Stadium is so cool! They have a kid zone and it has a merry go round, a mini field so kids can hit the ball and run the bases, a splash pad, a playground and a mini golf. When I asked Tyler what his favorite thing was he said when it was Tylers turn to hit and run. After we played we went to sit down and watch some of the game. I guess Tyler is good luck because we were loosing by three when we sat down to watch and when we got up to leave to go home we were up by one. Of course once we got in the car and turned the game on we were loosing again. Here are some pictures from the park....

Another thing we did is go to Deanna Rose. This is Tyler's favorite place to go when we visit Yia Yia and Papa. This time we did stuff we had never done like a horse ride and feeding the baby goats a bottle. He had so much fun on the horse ride! Kids under 3 were not allowed to go on but we let Tyler and I just told him that he needs to hold on really tight. He had the biggest smile the whole time! When we were feeding the goats everytime Tyler had food they would all go to Tyler and try to get the food. He fed one to each of the goats and if one he had already fed tried to get more food from him he would say no, no , no and wave his finger at them. It was so cute he wanted to make sure all the goats got food. Here are some pictures...

Thanks Yia Yia and Papa for flying us there to visit!

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