The other day we went to Toys R Us to stock up on toys for all of Tyler's friends birthday parties. We brought Daddy along so the boys could go play and I could actually be productive and shop. Since Tyler was such a good boy he got a toy too. I decided to buy him a vacuum cleaner so that he could vacuum with me. He usually helps me vacuum, I push it and Tyler is on the other side trying to push back so the vacuum doesn't really move. When I told Brian I was going to buy him a vacuum he said, a vacuum thats not fun, but let me tell you it's one of his favorite toys. When I say it's time to vacuum he runs to the closet and we both get our vacuums out. He helps me unwind my cord and then he goes to his vacuum and pushes the on button(it has a light and makes the vacuum noise). He is so cute he really thinks he is vacuuming and loves to do it. When we are done he puts his vacuum right next to mommy's vacuum in the closet. He is so helpful. So now I guess I need to buy him an ironing board and iron so I could iron in peace!
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